For absolutely mission-critical support, where we will supply a mobile contact telephone number for out of hours support.
Yearly cost is 899.00 GBP.
You get limited out-of-hours support via mobile telephone or remote assistance, as appropriate.
**BONUS** includes 2 hours of free remote assistance (Remote Desktop or VNC), to be used as required. Additional hours (or part hours) are available to purchase separately.
**NOTE - to be realistic, we do NOT offer a 24/7 service even at this service level. We do, however, try to respond, at most, within a few hours, even allowing for the various international time zones**
To purchase, click the shopping cart icon (next to the price), then choose CHECKOUT at the top of screen.
Software updates and support for ALL registered DPS-related products are included in the price; you only need 1 package per organisation HQ.